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Magic Traffic cone Hex Base

Online Purchase only for Bangalore

600 + Tax

Brand : RSI

Hsn Code : 3926

Model No. : RSITCHXM700

Reflection : 2 Strips 100 MM and 75 MM

Color : Red

Weight : 3.7 kg

Material : PU with PVC Plastic

Price Indicated : Per No

UOM : Number

Height : 700 MM

Availability: Not In Stock

Product Details:

Magic Traffic cone Hex Base for Heavy duty

Reflective Traffic Cone in Bengaluru | PVC Traffic Cone in Bengaluru | Traffic Safety Equipment in Bengaluru | Road Safety Products in Bengaluru | Soft PVC Traffic Cone | Rubber Traffic Cone | Retractable Traffic Cone | Traffic Cones in Bengaluru.

Once you know who the nearest manufacturer is, you can begin to search for that brand of product.  A lot of companies (including Karnataka) drop ship our goods straight from the manufacturer.  If you are in Bangalore, Karnataka find a northeast manufacturer then go from there.   Otherwise you may end up purchasing from a manufacturer in Delhi and pay the freight cost to bring the product cross-Bangalore.

Most people are surprised at the cost of traffic safety products.  They assume a traffic cone is Rs.350 and a traffic drum can’t be more than Rs 1000.  The reason it’s more than most would imagine is because of the safety standards the products need to meet and the reflective sheeting that needs to be applied.  But the reason for this post is to help you save the most money possible on your next traffic safety purchase.